dönem sonu olduğu için kees dorst'un şu pasajı aklıma gelip duruyor, ben de aynen alıntılıyorum:
[understanding design p.89]
"Coaching design students is a subtle game of listening and criticising, encouraging and guiding, coming up with examples, fishing for ideas and delivering the occasional stern remark.
A good coach does all of this based on a real relationship of trust with the student. The student should feel that the tutor is actually working on his behalf, and the coach should feel that he is being taken seriously. The stronger this bond of trust, the better the project will go.
However, this bond of trust can feel incredibly awkward when it comes lo the final stage of the project, when the coach has to judge the quality of the design work. It is then that the friendly and encouraging mentor suddenly becomes an exacting representative of The School. Often this about-face is felt keenly by the student as a betrayal of the trust that they have built together. The coach is not happy either: he watches a rift appear where once there was solidarity. After judgment has been passed both parties have a hangover, and go their separate ways. They avoid contact as much as possible, except for some vague gestures of greeting when they happen to see each other in the corridor.
This transformation from coach to judge is an unavoidable part of any design curriculum. Many good teachers are unhappy with this situation, and solve the problem by maintaining a mentoring tone during their assessment of the student. They are too nice - it is in the interest of the student to get a sharp and clear judgment, well supported but possibly quite harsh.
What I tend to do is let the student know a couple of weeks before the end of the project that we will be on opposite sides for a while. That the student will have to prove his/her quality to me from now on - a declaration of war, as it were. I always hope that by doing this explicitly it will be possible to re-establish the bond of trust later. Sometimes this works. But it is always difficult."
notlar verilip stüdyo bittikten sonraki yıllarda hocanın A alan öğrencilerle ilişkisi F alan öğrencilerle ilişkisinden belirgin biçimde daha iyi kalıyor. daha doğrusu, genelde, F alan öğrenciyle o hocanın hiç münasebeti kalmıyor :] yapacak bişey yok. F de veriyorsun. ne gerekiyor gibi geliyorsa veriyorsun. not veriyorsun. ve öğrenciler bu notları gerçekten umursuyorlar. en azından bizim okuldakiler. belki o yüzden bizim okuldalar.
.. portfolyo-klasör görüşmesini bu iş için kullanmak iyi fikir. dönem değerlendirmelerini ve notları karşılıklı konuşmak.. zaten periyodik portfolyo-klasör konuşmaları her halükarda iyi fikir.. ama benim aklımda... bu değerlendirme işini... yani önce not meselesini enine boyuna tartışmak.. tüm öğrencilerin katıldığı tartışmalarda... sonra yine öğrencilerin katıldığı gizli puanlamalar belki... ya da belki onun yöntemi de tartışmalarla belirlenir.. denemek lazım..
15 Haziran 2011 Çarşamba
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