a tool is one of the four atomic elements of design games system (or also framework). another one is the character. tools do, charcters direct. but in fact the separation is far than clear cut. all the atoms, ultimately, are meant to be interchangeable. so that, from the very beginning, a clear cut separation is neither possible, nor desired. and there are also objects, or individuals, in evolutionary terms. they are the alternative products, or designs that are worked on.
and? the games. a game is a compound [come on what kind of atom is it!?] but it could also be interchangeable with the others [possibly self referential?], let's calm down, right now all atoms are discrete and they are not implemented as interchangeable. a game is formed when a character directs a tool and an action is performed on an object.
and these things are produced, the following are also almost random products of the first runs to obtain a desktop icon for design games itself, but i sincerely don't remember which ones were last generation (i.e: evolved, designed) and which are byproducts of the process:

after a thousand runs i started to identify the defects of the system (it's a continuous refining and re-doing process) and then i conducted another series of runs with better character definitions and larger resolution, following are the designs of design games for itself:

the bright colors are not surprising, our character loved them, and it wanted several color areas and it got them. utilized tools were, pattern stamp, gradient, color area and text (i.e. all of them) so we moved on to another task, producing (or designing if you like) a desktop wallpaper for my laptop. again we started with very low resolution trials, these are collected amongst the byproducts, meaning that the poor evaluation capabilities of the systems or coded likings of the characters (by me) prevented their identification as 'fine':

if you didn't notice the images that were produced on previous runs were fed as patterns into these new runs, and only tool was the pattern stamp. and following are the designed ones, look at the differences between these two sets (you can only see it if you go to their pages):

so we went on and on for nights, i was sleeping and design games was working, as appropriate. check the following, they are collected from the garbage of the final runs for a high-resolution desktop wallpaper, different high resolution patterns are added to the system, and that's all:

end the evolved ones: (i really worked hard to find something fine amongst the evolved ones, there were faults in some analysis mechanisms and character definitions were apparently awful, but these are fine, i like them:)

OK, enough for now. there are other stuff to come. but they will wait for a bit. i have to have some break, and do other stuff, like blogging.
1 yorum:
olur da desktopuna kurmak isteyen olur: picasa'da resmi büyük görünüme alın, resmi ya da konumunu kopyalayın, gerisi bildiğiniz gibi..
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