the question continues to linger (thus asks my temporary supervisor) :
but, why automation?
i usually refrain from giving a direct answer. i give some political explanations reminiscent of the situationists which hold some portion of truth (yea automation might be good, my argument through dishwasher). and point towards growing academic and economic interests (more and more intelligent-design-software will flood the market).
but indeed, though vaguely, i can discern why; why this fascination with artificial intelligence, computation, perception, cognitive science, consciousness; why this eagerness to imitate a portion of human behavior which is allegedly a peculiarity of the human being (i.e design activity).
it is just an assault towards the last fortress defending against complete disenchantment. nothing is special about human mind. indeed there is nothing special about anything. this is the researcher as positivist and nihilist. (two in one? don't go too far researcher!)
28 Aralık 2009 Pazartesi
27 Aralık 2009 Pazar
deflated | söndü
i was heralding a massive forage into evolutionary art. but, though there might be some ideas deserving attention there, i couldn't find them yet. nevertheless i learned how they have developed some artistic photoshop filters and with what kinds of mathematical expressions they created all those ugly evo-paintings. i'll try some of them together with design games. there's this book, which is somehow interesting:
The Art of Artificial Evolution: A Handbook on Evolutionary Art and Music
by Juan Romero and Penousal Machado (Editors), 2007
includes a few nice articles worth reading.
and this article, which summarizes useful technical details:
Toward Greater Artistic Control for Interactive Evolution of Images and Animation
david a. hart, 2009
when it comes to the basic mechanism/technique, we still seem to stay roughly at the point where karl sims initiated this line of entertainment (so go first to sims himself). it's like, these artists found a new type of painting technique (like oil painting) and will be using it without questioning, just with minor improvements for a few centuries. but sims himself doesn't do that. a different mindset.
(now, let's get back to work)
The Art of Artificial Evolution: A Handbook on Evolutionary Art and Music
by Juan Romero and Penousal Machado (Editors), 2007
includes a few nice articles worth reading.
and this article, which summarizes useful technical details:
Toward Greater Artistic Control for Interactive Evolution of Images and Animation
david a. hart, 2009
when it comes to the basic mechanism/technique, we still seem to stay roughly at the point where karl sims initiated this line of entertainment (so go first to sims himself). it's like, these artists found a new type of painting technique (like oil painting) and will be using it without questioning, just with minor improvements for a few centuries. but sims himself doesn't do that. a different mindset.
(now, let's get back to work)
neyle ilgili?
evolutionary art,
evrimsel sanat
16 Aralık 2009 Çarşamba
fitness function | design games'in form grafiği
let's start to think about design process, as if it is a problem solving activity, what kind of problem solving is it?
>one question is, can we ever have a kind of evaluation function for a design problem, so that all the constraints and criteria are brought together on one level and be pronounced/calculated?
_a variant of above question is: can we produce a series of evaluation functions, that are organized hierarchically, yet still comparable?
now i have preliminary answers:
>we might consider several types of evaluation approaches:
1. define rules, constraints and definite targets, and check the proposal in terms of compliance to these,
2. define performance, and optimize parameters in terms of a fitness function,
3. define patterns and features, then measure a proposal's similarity with these
the latter two are easily applicable as knowledge lean approaches in evaluation stages. the first type is also important, but not enough, if we want to "drag" the population towards a solution. nevertheless we should use the first type as well, at definite stages.
i will concentrate on the third option, which seems to be mostly omitted (if not altogether). patterns and features will be derived from existing designs. however this approach doesn't seem sufficient, for attaining full-fledged design solutions which are fine enough to compete with human-designed ones. it should be followed by optimisation processes and supported by constraint checks and resulting corrections.
>one question is, can we ever have a kind of evaluation function for a design problem, so that all the constraints and criteria are brought together on one level and be pronounced/calculated?
_a variant of above question is: can we produce a series of evaluation functions, that are organized hierarchically, yet still comparable?
now i have preliminary answers:
>we might consider several types of evaluation approaches:
1. define rules, constraints and definite targets, and check the proposal in terms of compliance to these,
2. define performance, and optimize parameters in terms of a fitness function,
3. define patterns and features, then measure a proposal's similarity with these
the latter two are easily applicable as knowledge lean approaches in evaluation stages. the first type is also important, but not enough, if we want to "drag" the population towards a solution. nevertheless we should use the first type as well, at definite stages.
i will concentrate on the third option, which seems to be mostly omitted (if not altogether). patterns and features will be derived from existing designs. however this approach doesn't seem sufficient, for attaining full-fledged design solutions which are fine enough to compete with human-designed ones. it should be followed by optimisation processes and supported by constraint checks and resulting corrections.
bu aralar okumakta olduğum metinler düşündürüyor beni.. (vah canım..) biri hofstadter'in gödel escher bach'ı ki şahane bir kitap ve herhalde onla ilgili yazmalıyım (ama nereye?) öteki de şimdilerde göz atmaya başladığım "how to solve it: modern heuristics"(mihayleviçz ve fogel)... şimdi yazacağım not "problem çözme"yle ilgili... şimdi şunu düşündüm: liseden mezun olduğumuz zamanlarda lise eğitiminin ve üniversite sınavı hazırlığının etkisi ile daha bir geleceğin matematikçisi ya da mühendisi gibi bir düşünme tavrı içindeymişiz.. zaten eğitim sistemini hazırlayanların hedefi de oydu herhalde... şimdi değiliz... yani mimarlar olarak biz.. o zamanlar, gençken, karşımıza bir problem çıktığında verileri dikkatle okur ve varolduğundan emin olduğumuz o belirli çözümü bulmak üzere bir bulmaca çözücüsü hevesiyle işe girişirdik (bkz MVRDV'nin ilk çıkışı, bize tanıdık bir şarkı gibi geliyordu eskilerden, içimize işleyen bir yanı vardı analizden takip eden çözümün...) veriler var çözüm var çözmenin yolları var ya da yoksa bile keşfedileceklerini varsayıyoruz.. sınırlı bir alan hayal ediyordum ben karşıma bir problem çıktığında... bulmaca çözmek de daha heyecanlı geliyordu.. öyle bir zihin durumu ki herşeyi iyicene sınırlanmış güvenli bulmacalar gibi görebiliyorsun (bulmacaların kendilerini de).. belirsizlik yok. sadece henüz bulunmamış ama bulunacak olan terimler var. böyle bir kafa yapısıyla gerçek problemlere giriştiğinde onları sadeleştirerek belirli ve iyi tanımlı bulmacalara çevirme eğiliminde olabiliyorsun... bir mühendis ya da fizikçi için bir meziyet sayılabilir bu.. ama mimarlık gibi kesinlik kaldırmayan esneklikten başka kuralı olmayan bir alanda pek işe yaramıyor bu tavır.. şimdi niye bulmacalara olan merakımın yittiğini düşünüyordum.. eskiden olsa hofstadter'in kitabına tümden bir bulmaca gibi yaklaşırdım... şimdi basit bir bulmacaya bile girişsem mi girişmesem mi bilemiyorum.. çünkü ne olacak yani o kadar sadeleştirilmiş ki hiç bir gerçekliği yok.. çocukça bir dizi senaryosu gibi ya da eski türk filmleri gibi... tasarımcının edindiği kafa yapısının mühendis ya da matematikçininkinden farklı olduğundan handiyse eminim ve bunun faaliyet alanıyla ilgili olduğunu da ciddiyetle düşünüyorum... farklı farklı problem çözmekler...
3+3=? problem bu. mühendis iyi tanıdığı bir problemle karşı karşıya. hemen çözüyor cevabı veriyor. matematikçi de aynını yapardı sanırım.. ikisi de sonuca ulaşılabileceğinden emin olurdu. biri en ehven sonuçları üretmekte usta, ötekisi kanıt denen bir öykü türüyle haşır neşir... ama aynı ifadeyi tasarım öğrencisine verip "perşembeye 3+3lerinizi bekliyoruz" deseydik?
ifadenin bin ayrı yorumu gelecekti. bunlar oldukça serbest sabuklamalarla ilginç ve ikna edici yorumlar arasında bir skalaya yayılacaktı... düşünürseniz, 3 ne ki zaten? + ne? bu ifadenin bizden beklediği ne? ya da biz ondan ne çıkarırız? bağlamı nasıl öyküleriz? aslında matematikçinin ya da mühendisin yaptığı, ifadeyi baştan tanımlı tanıdık bilindik varsaymak... oysa gerçekten de olasılıklar sınırsız. acele ediyorlar. tasarımcının sorunu, ifade bu kadar tanıdık iken bile onu farklı şekilde yorumlamasının istenmesi. mimarın sorunu bilindik çözümleri uyguladığında mimarlık aleminde prestij kazanamayışı ama bilindik problemlerde amerikayıyenidenkeşfetmenin ölesiye saçma olması.
3+3=6 (p ifadesi) ve bağlamı çiziyorum: bu bir toplama işlemi. 3, 3 ve 6 ilkokulda öğrendiğimiz anlamda tam sayılar, + ve = sembolleri de sırasıyla 3 birimin 3 birime ekleneceğini ve çıkan sonucun ifadenin sonuna ekleneceğini anlatıyor. şimdi, hofstadter toplama yapan bir 'pq sistemi' tarifliyor. sonra da aynı sistemin başka biçimde yorumlanabileceğine ve gerçeklikte bu yeni sisteme karşılık gelen kullanımlar da bulunabileceğine işaret ediyor (örnek de non-öklidyen geometriler). ama ben başka bir yöne gitmek istiyorum şimdi. çünkü hofstadter için ikinci alternatifin aynı düşünsel mekanizma (akıl) için en az birincisi kadar geçerli olması önemli gibi görünüyor.ben diyorum ki, yukarıdaki tanımların hepsi geçerli fakat bugün bu ifade yanlış. yarın tekrar doğru olacak. gelecek perşembe için ajandama bakmam lazım. (bu ikinci durum için meteoroloji örneği var kitapta, iki bulut birleşince tek bulut oluyor, hala daha oldukça aklıbaşında bir düşünme, matematiğin laneti bu olsa gerek.)
hep öykü yazmakta olduğumuzu hatırlamakta fayda var.
3+3=? problem bu. mühendis iyi tanıdığı bir problemle karşı karşıya. hemen çözüyor cevabı veriyor. matematikçi de aynını yapardı sanırım.. ikisi de sonuca ulaşılabileceğinden emin olurdu. biri en ehven sonuçları üretmekte usta, ötekisi kanıt denen bir öykü türüyle haşır neşir... ama aynı ifadeyi tasarım öğrencisine verip "perşembeye 3+3lerinizi bekliyoruz" deseydik?
ifadenin bin ayrı yorumu gelecekti. bunlar oldukça serbest sabuklamalarla ilginç ve ikna edici yorumlar arasında bir skalaya yayılacaktı... düşünürseniz, 3 ne ki zaten? + ne? bu ifadenin bizden beklediği ne? ya da biz ondan ne çıkarırız? bağlamı nasıl öyküleriz? aslında matematikçinin ya da mühendisin yaptığı, ifadeyi baştan tanımlı tanıdık bilindik varsaymak... oysa gerçekten de olasılıklar sınırsız. acele ediyorlar. tasarımcının sorunu, ifade bu kadar tanıdık iken bile onu farklı şekilde yorumlamasının istenmesi. mimarın sorunu bilindik çözümleri uyguladığında mimarlık aleminde prestij kazanamayışı ama bilindik problemlerde amerikayıyenidenkeşfetmenin ölesiye saçma olması.
3+3=6 (p ifadesi) ve bağlamı çiziyorum: bu bir toplama işlemi. 3, 3 ve 6 ilkokulda öğrendiğimiz anlamda tam sayılar, + ve = sembolleri de sırasıyla 3 birimin 3 birime ekleneceğini ve çıkan sonucun ifadenin sonuna ekleneceğini anlatıyor. şimdi, hofstadter toplama yapan bir 'pq sistemi' tarifliyor. sonra da aynı sistemin başka biçimde yorumlanabileceğine ve gerçeklikte bu yeni sisteme karşılık gelen kullanımlar da bulunabileceğine işaret ediyor (örnek de non-öklidyen geometriler). ama ben başka bir yöne gitmek istiyorum şimdi. çünkü hofstadter için ikinci alternatifin aynı düşünsel mekanizma (akıl) için en az birincisi kadar geçerli olması önemli gibi görünüyor.ben diyorum ki, yukarıdaki tanımların hepsi geçerli fakat bugün bu ifade yanlış. yarın tekrar doğru olacak. gelecek perşembe için ajandama bakmam lazım. (bu ikinci durum için meteoroloji örneği var kitapta, iki bulut birleşince tek bulut oluyor, hala daha oldukça aklıbaşında bir düşünme, matematiğin laneti bu olsa gerek.)
hep öykü yazmakta olduğumuzu hatırlamakta fayda var.
11 Aralık 2009 Cuma
artificial design and strong AI | yapay tasarım ve yapay zeka için zor problemler
mary lou maher writes in a kind of short introductory text somewhere about AI in the large and AI in the small. she seems to say, it all started with huge ideas in an all-encompassing manner (which in a way, mostly failed), but now it turned into a series of partial and modest patches here and there... if there is an AI in the small, there's an automation-in-the-small as well. and design games is just one of the modest, transient and sometimes not-so-meaningful patches. and i have a new phrase as a substitution to 'design automation', it's 'artificial design'.
[0404010:] i also want to add a note about this phrase: "AI complete"
"In the field of artificial intelligence, the most difficult problems are informally known as AI-complete or AI-hard, implying that the difficulty of these computational problems is equivalent to solving the central artificial intelligence problem—making computers as intelligent as people, or strong AI."
i have been thinking about "task-decomposition" since i've started this project four years ago. design games model was an abstract thinking about sub-tasks of architecture [and "the star-map of architecture" which we had produced as "sanki-dikdörtgen" was strongly related]
now, some sub-tasks in a particular architectural design process are rather mechanical (some even trivial) and can be solved through some calculation (if necessary use well known AI techniques and algorithms), and there are some others, which include a huge set of parameters, objectives, and constraints, that renders them practically impossible to solve; i mean, if you approach them through Good Old Fashioned Artificial Intelligence paradigm (i.e. GOFAI, compare with "sub-symbolic" approaches, which includes evolutionary computation).
these latter types of subtasks are still being researched (as a few examples: distribution of the masses, building orientation, floor plan generation, envelope shape and aperture formation, or complete conceptual formal design in an integrated fashion). but this line of research is still rather underdeveloped, from a designer's point of view. nevertheless there's great hope, 'cause existing techniques seem to be offering several possibilities.
however there is also a third type of sub-tasks, which have to be tackled for a convincing design solution to appear. these include the conceptual (or say, mostly verbal) brief generation and problem setting stages, where the designers need extensive understanding of every aspect of culture as well as a complete ability to understand and manipulate shapes and objects (at least as well as human beings do). a creative and sensitive design proposal which is in dialogue with it's cultural, political, economic, and historical context, doesn't seem to be attainable with mere adaptation or pre-defined rules or constraints or as a result of a mostly random evolution.
are we obliged to wait for a machine, at least as clever as human mind (i.e. for strong-AI program to be accomplished) before entrusting design activity altogether to the machines?
[0404010:] i also want to add a note about this phrase: "AI complete"
"In the field of artificial intelligence, the most difficult problems are informally known as AI-complete or AI-hard, implying that the difficulty of these computational problems is equivalent to solving the central artificial intelligence problem—making computers as intelligent as people, or strong AI."
i have been thinking about "task-decomposition" since i've started this project four years ago. design games model was an abstract thinking about sub-tasks of architecture [and "the star-map of architecture" which we had produced as "sanki-dikdörtgen" was strongly related]
now, some sub-tasks in a particular architectural design process are rather mechanical (some even trivial) and can be solved through some calculation (if necessary use well known AI techniques and algorithms), and there are some others, which include a huge set of parameters, objectives, and constraints, that renders them practically impossible to solve; i mean, if you approach them through Good Old Fashioned Artificial Intelligence paradigm (i.e. GOFAI, compare with "sub-symbolic" approaches, which includes evolutionary computation).
these latter types of subtasks are still being researched (as a few examples: distribution of the masses, building orientation, floor plan generation, envelope shape and aperture formation, or complete conceptual formal design in an integrated fashion). but this line of research is still rather underdeveloped, from a designer's point of view. nevertheless there's great hope, 'cause existing techniques seem to be offering several possibilities.
however there is also a third type of sub-tasks, which have to be tackled for a convincing design solution to appear. these include the conceptual (or say, mostly verbal) brief generation and problem setting stages, where the designers need extensive understanding of every aspect of culture as well as a complete ability to understand and manipulate shapes and objects (at least as well as human beings do). a creative and sensitive design proposal which is in dialogue with it's cultural, political, economic, and historical context, doesn't seem to be attainable with mere adaptation or pre-defined rules or constraints or as a result of a mostly random evolution.
are we obliged to wait for a machine, at least as clever as human mind (i.e. for strong-AI program to be accomplished) before entrusting design activity altogether to the machines?
the explosion in the laboratory | patladı
i was thinking that i was at the end of my focused-literature-research. so that i could expand towards a larger wave. and my extensive mapping seemed to me to be pretty complete; except one minor task. so i went on to that task. but it expanded, or rather, exploded. that particular area on my mapping was indeed quite loaded. that's evolutionary art. i think i will be posting on that topic during the following period.
it all started with a conference call (1), a few months ago. i had to respond to that call because the 'unit' wanted me to do some publishing (2) and i was feeling indebted (3). i responded with a project which combined several titles (4) and details (5) of my research, as well as some preparations for several prospective projects (6) that i was intending to follow after my phd! (7) (yea, the researcher always has plans, to study some stuff in the long term; i.e. it always postpones a lot of interesting projects.) hence the first prototype of design games which produces graphics (8) (i mean, graphics in a way). but there was a last, unproven graphic task of aslıhan for design games, it was 'the waves commission' (9) i was studying polinomials (10), conic sections (11) and elliptic curves (12) to carry out that task. and there exploded the evolutionary art section (13). i will, for sure, be scrutinizing the area for some time, for sheer joy of it (14). but what i want to say is, above i only indexed the very basic steps (narrated some steps in a discontinuous manner) of an ongoing design process (or research?)(or both?)(or no difference? difference but not that big? (feyerabend?)), and it will yield some results, or not (it can yield interesting results but this is not the issue), we could go on to fill minor steps in between the basic steps. and here the researcher wants to ask: how many steps, how many rather simple ingredients, and also how many types of steps, are needed for a full-fledged design process? or research? or a creative process in general? and what kinds of knowing, reasoning, calculating functioning, transforming or producing systems should be included in a design system?
it all started with a conference call (1), a few months ago. i had to respond to that call because the 'unit' wanted me to do some publishing (2) and i was feeling indebted (3). i responded with a project which combined several titles (4) and details (5) of my research, as well as some preparations for several prospective projects (6) that i was intending to follow after my phd! (7) (yea, the researcher always has plans, to study some stuff in the long term; i.e. it always postpones a lot of interesting projects.) hence the first prototype of design games which produces graphics (8) (i mean, graphics in a way). but there was a last, unproven graphic task of aslıhan for design games, it was 'the waves commission' (9) i was studying polinomials (10), conic sections (11) and elliptic curves (12) to carry out that task. and there exploded the evolutionary art section (13). i will, for sure, be scrutinizing the area for some time, for sheer joy of it (14). but what i want to say is, above i only indexed the very basic steps (narrated some steps in a discontinuous manner) of an ongoing design process (or research?)(or both?)(or no difference? difference but not that big? (feyerabend?)), and it will yield some results, or not (it can yield interesting results but this is not the issue), we could go on to fill minor steps in between the basic steps. and here the researcher wants to ask: how many steps, how many rather simple ingredients, and also how many types of steps, are needed for a full-fledged design process? or research? or a creative process in general? and what kinds of knowing, reasoning, calculating functioning, transforming or producing systems should be included in a design system?
10 Aralık 2009 Perşembe
çünkü neden devam ettiğini bilmiyorsun. bir şekilde bir yoldasın. kaptırmış gidiyorsun. o esnada nereye kadar keyfin devam edecek bilmiyorsun. sonra makul bir "ara" geliyor. ara geldiğinde bir süre için duracağını ve tekrar aynı projeye devam etmeden önce belirsiz bir sürenin geçeceğini biliyorsun çünkü çok şey ertelemişsin ve kenara yığmışsın sonra sonra diye... fikirlerin nerden nasıl geldiklerinin belli olmaması gibi, belki de bir daha kaptırmayacaksın ve çalışmayacaksın. belki herşey yarıda kalacak. e yarıda kalsın. yaptıklarına bir anlam atfettiğin yok ki. belki de orda noktayı korsun. yok koymuyorsun. birden kendini tekrar kaptırmış buluyorsun. ama dalga dalga inip çıkıyorsun. dağılıyorsun, kendini ilgisiz şeylerle uğraşırken buluyorsun, sonra bir bakmışsın ilgisiz dediğin şeyleri sistemine öyle bir entegre edivermişsin ki sanki ilahi bir plan işliyor. her şey herşeye bağlanıyor, her şey işliyor, ilerliyor, tentiküllerin evreni 27 noktadan tarıyor.
for those, who would like to see a demonstration of the power of artificial evolution, here are several interactive evolutionary systems on the net:
a-biomorph, imitates the seminal "biomorph" system of richard dawkins, which was an inspiration for most of the interactive systems generated afterwards. but following systems are also influenced by karl sims' work based on mathematical expressions. image breeder seems to be evolving patterns that are formed by simple algorithms, so that the jumps between generations are rather abrupt (but i liked its images). there is this living image project, where you can vote on evolutions for pictures. picbreeder evolves pictures, in a way similar to the living image, but these look like 'something'. e-volver is an interactive-experiment-exhibition (so we can't get involved via internet i suppose), the images produced are rather complex and varied. there's also breed, it evolves three dimensional shapes and produces them using a 3d printer. there's more: evolve (what a surprising name), this one distributes source code.. [and also there's a whole domain concerning 'artificial life', which has a lot to do with other seminal work of sims, but i won't go into that one now.]
most of these systems utilize algorithms or mathematical expressions that yield a color value for a given canvas coordinate, thus define a picture pixel by pixel. these mathematical expressions [like: "grayness = y*sin(x)"] have the peculiar property of producing those regularities like curves, lines and subtle gradients (think about sinusoidal waves). starting with these expressions, systems continue by combining or modifying those expressions, so that children images carry some similarity to the initial patterns, but are different. it's easy to say that, you should rather have worked with a parametric approach in a more-straightforwardly-global-sense; if you wanted more control over the process (remember bitmap-vectoral pair here), like the animators do. that way you could go on manipulating an object and return to the original if you liked.
after all, we don't need these examples to be convinced about the power of artificial evolution. we eat products of artificial evolution everyday, and we feed them, and we read them and we think through them. evolutionary computation approach, therefore, is an attempt to have more control on this ongoing process and use the mechanism to obtain specifically-oriented (task-specific) and relevant (or useful) products, and much faster. indeed we need to know the amount of time needed to carry out each task.
a-biomorph, imitates the seminal "biomorph" system of richard dawkins, which was an inspiration for most of the interactive systems generated afterwards. but following systems are also influenced by karl sims' work based on mathematical expressions. image breeder seems to be evolving patterns that are formed by simple algorithms, so that the jumps between generations are rather abrupt (but i liked its images). there is this living image project, where you can vote on evolutions for pictures. picbreeder evolves pictures, in a way similar to the living image, but these look like 'something'. e-volver is an interactive-experiment-exhibition (so we can't get involved via internet i suppose), the images produced are rather complex and varied. there's also breed, it evolves three dimensional shapes and produces them using a 3d printer. there's more: evolve (what a surprising name), this one distributes source code.. [and also there's a whole domain concerning 'artificial life', which has a lot to do with other seminal work of sims, but i won't go into that one now.]
most of these systems utilize algorithms or mathematical expressions that yield a color value for a given canvas coordinate, thus define a picture pixel by pixel. these mathematical expressions [like: "grayness = y*sin(x)"] have the peculiar property of producing those regularities like curves, lines and subtle gradients (think about sinusoidal waves). starting with these expressions, systems continue by combining or modifying those expressions, so that children images carry some similarity to the initial patterns, but are different. it's easy to say that, you should rather have worked with a parametric approach in a more-straightforwardly-global-sense; if you wanted more control over the process (remember bitmap-vectoral pair here), like the animators do. that way you could go on manipulating an object and return to the original if you liked.
after all, we don't need these examples to be convinced about the power of artificial evolution. we eat products of artificial evolution everyday, and we feed them, and we read them and we think through them. evolutionary computation approach, therefore, is an attempt to have more control on this ongoing process and use the mechanism to obtain specifically-oriented (task-specific) and relevant (or useful) products, and much faster. indeed we need to know the amount of time needed to carry out each task.
neyle ilgili?
evolutionary computation,
evrimsel hesaplama
7 Aralık 2009 Pazartesi
we will not be the slaves of decadent automation
a researcher asked a professor: does a proposal have double life?
professor said: even.
someone related this to nizu.
nizu observed: the primordial soup transmitted through the screen.
the researcher sees dead proposals everywhere. born-dead. but here it asks: what happen to the dead proposals after they are stripped bare from original intentions and context by their bachelors?
professor said: even.
someone related this to nizu.
nizu observed: the primordial soup transmitted through the screen.
the researcher sees dead proposals everywhere. born-dead. but here it asks: what happen to the dead proposals after they are stripped bare from original intentions and context by their bachelors?
5 Aralık 2009 Cumartesi
ikinci bir saldırı | another forage into evo-computation
![]() a1. NURBS yüzeyleri | ![]() a2. tesadüfi ilk kuşak | ![]() a3. temel bileşenler, 5 eğri: düz, basık, orta, yüksek, dik |
![]() b1. bir “aile benzerliği”ne karşılık çeşitlilik / gürültü | ![]() b2. | ![]() b3. |
![]() c1. | ![]() c2. | ![]() c3. |
[sanıyorum ekim sonlarına kadar bununla uğraşmaktaydım (uğraşılmaktaydı).... işte rapor:]
ikinci deney serisi: maya-mel ortamında 3 boyutlu deney: lokal kontrol, gürültü, sözel tanımlar ::
ikinci bir deney serisi ise daha gelişmiş bir uygulama üzerinden üç boyutlu yüzeylere yönelik olarak kurgulandı. bu deneyin de esas amacı scripting, 3 boyutlu geometri ve pratikte evrimsel hesaplamalara yönelik bilgi ve beceriyi geliştirmekti [bu da doğru, yannız, bu scripte baya zaman harcadım, boşa gitti o zaman, bikaçbin satır kod yazıp MEL ile ölesiye boğuştuktan sonra kodun çoğunun tekrar kullanılamayacağını farkettim.. ondan sonra dedim ki ya araştırmacı, git adam gibi bir dil kullan, doğru bütün bir program yaz, en azından temel bileşenleri sonraki her deneyinde kullanırsın, işe yarar veri yapıların olur, hazır kütüphaneleri elinin altına indirirsin...]. bu deney serisinde genotip temsil yaklaşımı geliştirilerek, “haritalama” ve “arama” aşamaları ayrıldı ve “çaprazlama” (crossover) gibi opsiyonlar da uygulamaya katıldı, ayrıca bir serinin sonuçlarının diğer seri için kolayca girdi oluşturabilmesi sağlandı.
deneyin ana teması önceden tanımlanmış bir seri eğri ile kontrol edilen yüzeylerde çeşitli yüzey özelliklerini oluştururken çeşitlilik ve gürültü düzeyini kaybetmemekti [bir baktım da janssen, bu projeye başlarken temel ilham kaynağım olan janssen, bu "aile benzerliğine rağmen çeşitlilik" hususunu yazmış satır aralarında]. oluşturulan bütün yüzeyler beş çeşit eğriden oluşuyordu. her bir eğrinin hem bir ismi hem de bir numarası bulunuyordu. İsimler kontrol mekanizmasını basitçe tanımlanabilir ve anlaşılır hale getirirken (1 : düz, 5 : dik, 2 : basık vd..) numaralar genotipin temel bileşenlerini (genler) oluşturuyordu. sonuç olarak ‘arama’ genotipte oluşan örüntülerin incelenmesi, bazı örüntülerin diğerlerine nazaran tercih edilmesi şeklinde gerçekleşti. sözgelimi bir ‘kromozom’da oluşan : { *, *, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1 } örüntüsü (bu örnekte ilk iki gen belirleyici değil) dalgalı bir yapıya karşılık geliyor. basit bir ’dalgalı’ yüzey araması {*, *, x, x+-a, x, x+-a, x} türünden bir sorgulamayla gerçekleştirilebilir. uygulamada daha ‘gürültülü’ aramalar tanımlandı. ‘artan’, ‘dalgalı’, ‘basık’ vd yüzey aramaları ve bunların çeşitli seri bileşimlerinden oluşan bileşik aramalar gerçekleştirildi.
örüntü aramasının ve bu aramaların insani dilde basitçe tarif edilebilir olmasının (semantik karşılıklar) genel olarak bütün araştırma boyunca önemli bir yer tutacağı görülüyor. arama/değerlendirme yaklaşımı ve üretim yaklaşımı bir ‘itme-çekme düzeneği’ oluşturuyor [araştırmacı mısın mimar mısın ba! itmeçekmeymiş...]. değerlendirme ve puanlama bir seçilim baskısı yaratarak ‘yönlendirme’ etkisi uygularken fenotipin ve arama uzayının tanımlanma ve mutasyonlar üzerinden dönüştürülme tarzı popülasyonun o yöne doğru dönüşebilmesini sağlıyor. İki yaklaşımın bir arada etkili kullanımı arama uzayının istenen yönde daraltılmasını ve bu daralmaya rağmen yeterince geniş, beklenmedik ürünler verebilecek bir durumda tutulabilmesini sağlayabilir. [raporlarda bi şekilde laubali olmayan bir dille anlatmak gerekiyordu, o kadar anlatmışken de burda silbaştan yazamadım... affola..]
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evolutionary computation,
evrimsel hesaplama
ilk evrimsel sikriptlerim bunla meşguldü | my first evo-scripts were occupied with these
![]() a1. tipik bir ilk kuşak (10 noktadan oluşan NURBS çizgileri) | ![]() a2. ortogonal, son jenerasyon | ![]() a3. ortogonal |
![]() b1. ortogonal (yerel optimaya takılmış) | ![]() b2. ortogonal | ![]() b3. ortogonal |
![]() c1. poligonal (500. jenerasyon) | ![]() c2. poligonal (1000. jenerasyon) | ![]() c3. ortogonal + poligonal (hibrit) |
imajlar iyi görünmüyorsa (ki görünmüyor) bu linki takip...
[bunlar da raporuma (birinci tekil şahıs hiç varolmamışçasına) yazdıklarım:]
ilk deney serisi: maya-mel ortamında 2 boyutlu deney: lokal, açısal kontrol-kontrolsüzlük
ilk “deney” olarak maya-mel scripting ortamında basit bir evrimsel algoritma kodlandı. başlangıçta rastgele oluşturulan bir seri lineer iki boyutlu düzenlemenin her kontrol noktasında oluşan lokal açısal ilişkiler [o noktada kesişen vektörlerin arasındaki açıları ölçtüm demek istiyorum] incelenerek açıların toplamı istenen kriterlerle karşılaştırıldı [kriter dediğim de 90'ın katları mı gibi basit bir soru]. deneyin esas amacı basit bir evrimsel algoritma oluşturarak scripting becerilerini geliştirmek ve evrimsel hesaplamalar uygulamalarına giriş yapmaktı [doğru bu], ancak sonuçlar global ve lokal değerlendirmeler konusunda bir takım fikirler de sağlıyor [her musibetten...].
değerlendirme kriterleri kuvvetli, sade ve tek yönlü olunca sistemin popülasyonu istenen açısal ilişkileri taşıyan bireylere doğru kolayca “evrilttiği” gözleniyor (b3’e kadar örnekler). ancak sadece açıların toplamına yönelik puanlama yapıldığı için görece düzenli ve basit evrimler gerçekleşiyor ve sistem önceden kolayca öngörülemeyen “eğilimler” veya “tercihler” gösteriyor. dolayısıyla böyle bir sistem belirli hedeflere yönelik olarak kullanılacaksa daha güçlü kontrol sağlayan yaklaşımların kullanılması gerekiyor.
takip eden deneyde hem açıların toplamına hem de global bazı özelliklere yönelik puanlamalar yapıldı [aslında hesaplarda hata yapmışım :]], ortaya çıkan sonuçların ilk bakışta çok daha kaotik bir görünüm arzettiği söylenebilir (c1, c2) [neden acaba..], ancak esasında çoğu “birey” aranan özellikleri bir ölçüde taşıyor [yanlışlıkla aranan...]. fakat daha “anlamlı” ve kolay tanınır biçimsel düzenlemelere ulaşmak için sadece “lokal” düzeyde işleyen değerlendirmelerin yeterli olmadığı, “global” biçime yönelik daha güçlü seçim kriterleri uygulamak gerekeceği anlaşılıyor.
üçüncü olarak bir tür evrimin diğer bir tür evrim için girdi oluşturduğu iki aşamalı sistemler ise beklenmedik, anlaşılabilir ve düzgün sonuçlar verebiliyor (c3). bunun sebebi ilk iki deneyden farklı olarak ikinci aşamada evrime daha iyi tanımlanmış, daha homojen bir ilk jenerasyonla (başlangıç kütüphanesi) başlanıyor olması olabilir.
ilk deney serisinin sonuçları evrimsel algoritmalarla istenen bir biçimsel düzenleme evriltebilmek/üretebilmek için, bir ya da birden çok aşamada ama her durumda farklı ‘düzey’lerde, hiyerarşik olarak işleyen kriter kümeleri ve değerlendirme yaklaşımları kullanılmasının etkili olabileceğini düşündürüyor. [hmm]
neyle ilgili?
evolutionary computation,
evrimsel hesaplama,
4 Aralık 2009 Cuma
"yapmasa mıydık, etmese miydik" işte sen busun!
geçen yıl için hazırlayalım dediğimiz birinci sınıf stüdyosu yayınıyla ilgili düşünüyorum, bir yazı yazarsam yaptıklarımız değil de, yapmadıklarımız üzerine yazsam diye (yapsa mıydık yani?) ... bir de bol bol çocukların işlerini koymak lazım, altına da uzun uzun orda ne yaptıklarını yazmak lazım...
at that | orda hak verdim çocuğa
i (have?) attended a, so called (appropriate?), colloquyum, collokiyum, kollokyum, qolloquium? öeeh wadevır, it was nice, so nice that it was worth spending all afternoon on it, in it, with it, around it, wadevır again... the event was organized to (on, towards, at?) the honour of another more important event (that was bige's phd defence) by, let's say the unit, design informatics, which i am currently enrolled in, as a guest researcher. here this unit is under the title of building technology! if it were in my home-institution, this wouldn't be the case, but this is a reason why i wanted to come here, and if somehow i were (was?) to work on (in, at, around..) academics, why i would prefer to go back (oh what a complex relationship with an academic institution (home-inst.)one of those love-hate smtg (will you dare?)...)
i wasn't (haven't been) thinking about those reasons for the time being (fail again! no! not the best usage man(dare?)).. this unit is working mainly on performance based design, or an integral approach to design where "rational" performances of a to be(just write "prospective" as an adventure!) built artifact is meant to be used as an important driver of the design process. here, performance means, environmental, ecologial and sometimes structural performance (this is a rough generalization of course).
OK. what's performance? which performance? what about a minimum design task, to be counted as architectural design? describe me a minimum design task and minimum requirements to be answered, if the solution is to be counted as a solution. oh you won't. i will find out. or better: i will narrate.
now i want to combine vagaries of a designer and current rationalities of economics, environmental comfort or ecological sensitivities (sensibilities you fool!) and make (bake?) out of this dough (come and utter this word!) a nice spongy(is this the word you've found as a substitute to "gevrek"? the opposite? go back to your country to where you belong, gow-back joh-jo) bread. just as a human designer does. it will, no doubt, be a caricature. but that's okay. we all like humor. (but not a cynical humor!)
i was talking to a friend (jurrian), i told him that, watching and watching all those performances, all the presentations, conferences, collo(smtg)s, lectures etc. they only become meaningful when you are also producing something yourself, and he said, you have to balance those things (watching and doing), he had a point in that (on that, at that) at that.
_prof. sariyildiz described her unit's recent phd projects in contrast with projects just focussing on fancy forms. the message was: there are serious challenges, facing humanity, and architects (like environmental exicengies), and formal issues are not mere free-form excercises. she was deliberately omitting a good portion of the story (i.e. marketing aspects) but this omission is the basic tenet of her stance. the unit (which i am visiting) is re-describing form generation in terms of rational performances, in an integral manner (sounds quite like form-follows-function eh?), hence a nice paper-opponent for me to better forge my stance (which has a lot to do with past years' anti-professionalist studio experiences and also patrick janssen's (who's in part following lawson i guess) seemingly simple but for me important theoretical underpinnings) out of... (long sentence) (saying out loud the obvious) (so now let's shout:) any architectural design process is formed out of both, in a way, rationalized or substantiated acts, and also vagaries (or for janssen, "preconceptions"), none to be missing. form has never been totally a function of function. but, you know, it was because the means were not developed yet. until now we weren't able to assess an important portion of the performances of a building beforehand. perhaps, from now on, form might become a function of several performances? it's easy to believe it in netherlands, cause they generally tend to keep it really simple. but wait a minute, we seem to be omitting something here!?
_prof. krishnamurti was here, and presented their latest work on parametric BIM(?). at least for simple buildings (with definable floors and cornered plan layouts), using revit, they produced a system that measures the building performance in terms of BREAM, or LEED. nice tool, nice work. he was suspicious of the adequacy of LEED but it is the current standard for many countries. he also mentioned "design patterns for parametric modelling". so the patterns of alexander came back through the backdoor, only after passing through the realm of programming, where the idea was adopted rather effusively (but here my colleague juse is also using the idea of pattern language, in conjunction with shape grammars for urban design). the most peculiar moment of krishnamurti's presentation was, that, he was also suspicious of all those tools that has continuously been developed tirelessly by the phd researchers, to be used "in the early phases of conceptual design", or to give designers decision support on formal matters, or supply designers with alternative designs so that they can choose, or do the design on behalf of them.. he was quite right at that, designers want to do the enjoying part themselves and would be happy if something manages to do the boring, uncreative jobs. (that's why i'm producing a similar application but never calling it a tool :] i'm well avare that, only i, will be fascinated with using it. and i even don't plan to use it for education, for i could better help the students if i could assist them develop their own ideas with programming skills. what's the justification of forcing a studioful-of-students to use your own program [or idea] for designing?) actually that remark was in complete opposition to the work of some academics that were present :] but the man has a nice and funny air, and he's so venerable and established a researcher in the field, that it didn't bring a cold breeze at berlagezaal at all (which was already cold by the way.)
_joop paul, a professor at the university and an engineer of ARUP at the same time (it's not surprising that it's possible here), showed slides of a hi-rise. which had a slender prefabricated (as i understood) structure which didn't cost more than conventional methods and forms of tower building. the message is: by using computational tools effectively, you can stay both feasible and creative. another point on behalf of performance based design? but a hi-rise has always been an application where structural performance (and circulation and evacuation performance) has a sheer precedence; so this doesn't count? or does it? look at CCTV and similar novel hi-rise projects...
_prof de vries from eindhoven mentioned bayesian belief networks and design decision support systems. actually these tools, as krişnamurti asserted are not for human designers, they are for automated systems, at least i understand it this way, surprisingly, during this week i was searching in their archive of phd dissertations, and i have downloaded several of them.. bayesian belief networks in design decision support eh? niiice!
_and finally, the question of adaptive systems. the "quest" for adaptive systems? (something more than showing the realtime "weather forecast" which is currently surprisingly popular in architectural surfaces!?) adaptive buildings or systems can only be possible by integrated data-form environments. so that form follows data follows form follows... "integral"? "integrated"? when you say integral, it's a puzzling term.
i wasn't (haven't been) thinking about those reasons for the time being (fail again! no! not the best usage man(dare?)).. this unit is working mainly on performance based design, or an integral approach to design where "rational" performances of a to be(just write "prospective" as an adventure!) built artifact is meant to be used as an important driver of the design process. here, performance means, environmental, ecologial and sometimes structural performance (this is a rough generalization of course).
OK. what's performance? which performance? what about a minimum design task, to be counted as architectural design? describe me a minimum design task and minimum requirements to be answered, if the solution is to be counted as a solution. oh you won't. i will find out. or better: i will narrate.
now i want to combine vagaries of a designer and current rationalities of economics, environmental comfort or ecological sensitivities (sensibilities you fool!) and make (bake?) out of this dough (come and utter this word!) a nice spongy(is this the word you've found as a substitute to "gevrek"? the opposite? go back to your country to where you belong, gow-back joh-jo) bread. just as a human designer does. it will, no doubt, be a caricature. but that's okay. we all like humor. (but not a cynical humor!)
i was talking to a friend (jurrian), i told him that, watching and watching all those performances, all the presentations, conferences, collo(smtg)s, lectures etc. they only become meaningful when you are also producing something yourself, and he said, you have to balance those things (watching and doing), he had a point in that (on that, at that) at that.
_prof. sariyildiz described her unit's recent phd projects in contrast with projects just focussing on fancy forms. the message was: there are serious challenges, facing humanity, and architects (like environmental exicengies), and formal issues are not mere free-form excercises. she was deliberately omitting a good portion of the story (i.e. marketing aspects) but this omission is the basic tenet of her stance. the unit (which i am visiting) is re-describing form generation in terms of rational performances, in an integral manner (sounds quite like form-follows-function eh?), hence a nice paper-opponent for me to better forge my stance (which has a lot to do with past years' anti-professionalist studio experiences and also patrick janssen's (who's in part following lawson i guess) seemingly simple but for me important theoretical underpinnings) out of... (long sentence) (saying out loud the obvious) (so now let's shout:) any architectural design process is formed out of both, in a way, rationalized or substantiated acts, and also vagaries (or for janssen, "preconceptions"), none to be missing. form has never been totally a function of function. but, you know, it was because the means were not developed yet. until now we weren't able to assess an important portion of the performances of a building beforehand. perhaps, from now on, form might become a function of several performances? it's easy to believe it in netherlands, cause they generally tend to keep it really simple. but wait a minute, we seem to be omitting something here!?
_prof. krishnamurti was here, and presented their latest work on parametric BIM(?). at least for simple buildings (with definable floors and cornered plan layouts), using revit, they produced a system that measures the building performance in terms of BREAM, or LEED. nice tool, nice work. he was suspicious of the adequacy of LEED but it is the current standard for many countries. he also mentioned "design patterns for parametric modelling". so the patterns of alexander came back through the backdoor, only after passing through the realm of programming, where the idea was adopted rather effusively (but here my colleague juse is also using the idea of pattern language, in conjunction with shape grammars for urban design). the most peculiar moment of krishnamurti's presentation was, that, he was also suspicious of all those tools that has continuously been developed tirelessly by the phd researchers, to be used "in the early phases of conceptual design", or to give designers decision support on formal matters, or supply designers with alternative designs so that they can choose, or do the design on behalf of them.. he was quite right at that, designers want to do the enjoying part themselves and would be happy if something manages to do the boring, uncreative jobs. (that's why i'm producing a similar application but never calling it a tool :] i'm well avare that, only i, will be fascinated with using it. and i even don't plan to use it for education, for i could better help the students if i could assist them develop their own ideas with programming skills. what's the justification of forcing a studioful-of-students to use your own program [or idea] for designing?) actually that remark was in complete opposition to the work of some academics that were present :] but the man has a nice and funny air, and he's so venerable and established a researcher in the field, that it didn't bring a cold breeze at berlagezaal at all (which was already cold by the way.)
_joop paul, a professor at the university and an engineer of ARUP at the same time (it's not surprising that it's possible here), showed slides of a hi-rise. which had a slender prefabricated (as i understood) structure which didn't cost more than conventional methods and forms of tower building. the message is: by using computational tools effectively, you can stay both feasible and creative. another point on behalf of performance based design? but a hi-rise has always been an application where structural performance (and circulation and evacuation performance) has a sheer precedence; so this doesn't count? or does it? look at CCTV and similar novel hi-rise projects...
_prof de vries from eindhoven mentioned bayesian belief networks and design decision support systems. actually these tools, as krişnamurti asserted are not for human designers, they are for automated systems, at least i understand it this way, surprisingly, during this week i was searching in their archive of phd dissertations, and i have downloaded several of them.. bayesian belief networks in design decision support eh? niiice!
_and finally, the question of adaptive systems. the "quest" for adaptive systems? (something more than showing the realtime "weather forecast" which is currently surprisingly popular in architectural surfaces!?) adaptive buildings or systems can only be possible by integrated data-form environments. so that form follows data follows form follows... "integral"? "integrated"? when you say integral, it's a puzzling term.
neyle ilgili?
other performances,
performance based design
3 Aralık 2009 Perşembe
"design games" çalışma hayatına böyle başladı (yavrucak) | thus started the toil of the "design games"
these are selected from the first tests, the only tool is color area tool, and is used randomly, as you can see, but what is a tool?

a tool is one of the four atomic elements of design games system (or also framework). another one is the character. tools do, charcters direct. but in fact the separation is far than clear cut. all the atoms, ultimately, are meant to be interchangeable. so that, from the very beginning, a clear cut separation is neither possible, nor desired. and there are also objects, or individuals, in evolutionary terms. they are the alternative products, or designs that are worked on.
and? the games. a game is a compound [come on what kind of atom is it!?] but it could also be interchangeable with the others [possibly self referential?], let's calm down, right now all atoms are discrete and they are not implemented as interchangeable. a game is formed when a character directs a tool and an action is performed on an object.
and these things are produced, the following are also almost random products of the first runs to obtain a desktop icon for design games itself, but i sincerely don't remember which ones were last generation (i.e: evolved, designed) and which are byproducts of the process:

after a thousand runs i started to identify the defects of the system (it's a continuous refining and re-doing process) and then i conducted another series of runs with better character definitions and larger resolution, following are the designs of design games for itself:

the bright colors are not surprising, our character loved them, and it wanted several color areas and it got them. utilized tools were, pattern stamp, gradient, color area and text (i.e. all of them) so we moved on to another task, producing (or designing if you like) a desktop wallpaper for my laptop. again we started with very low resolution trials, these are collected amongst the byproducts, meaning that the poor evaluation capabilities of the systems or coded likings of the characters (by me) prevented their identification as 'fine':

if you didn't notice the images that were produced on previous runs were fed as patterns into these new runs, and only tool was the pattern stamp. and following are the designed ones, look at the differences between these two sets (you can only see it if you go to their pages):

so we went on and on for nights, i was sleeping and design games was working, as appropriate. check the following, they are collected from the garbage of the final runs for a high-resolution desktop wallpaper, different high resolution patterns are added to the system, and that's all:

end the evolved ones: (i really worked hard to find something fine amongst the evolved ones, there were faults in some analysis mechanisms and character definitions were apparently awful, but these are fine, i like them:)

OK, enough for now. there are other stuff to come. but they will wait for a bit. i have to have some break, and do other stuff, like blogging.
a tool is one of the four atomic elements of design games system (or also framework). another one is the character. tools do, charcters direct. but in fact the separation is far than clear cut. all the atoms, ultimately, are meant to be interchangeable. so that, from the very beginning, a clear cut separation is neither possible, nor desired. and there are also objects, or individuals, in evolutionary terms. they are the alternative products, or designs that are worked on.
and? the games. a game is a compound [come on what kind of atom is it!?] but it could also be interchangeable with the others [possibly self referential?], let's calm down, right now all atoms are discrete and they are not implemented as interchangeable. a game is formed when a character directs a tool and an action is performed on an object.
and these things are produced, the following are also almost random products of the first runs to obtain a desktop icon for design games itself, but i sincerely don't remember which ones were last generation (i.e: evolved, designed) and which are byproducts of the process:

after a thousand runs i started to identify the defects of the system (it's a continuous refining and re-doing process) and then i conducted another series of runs with better character definitions and larger resolution, following are the designs of design games for itself:

the bright colors are not surprising, our character loved them, and it wanted several color areas and it got them. utilized tools were, pattern stamp, gradient, color area and text (i.e. all of them) so we moved on to another task, producing (or designing if you like) a desktop wallpaper for my laptop. again we started with very low resolution trials, these are collected amongst the byproducts, meaning that the poor evaluation capabilities of the systems or coded likings of the characters (by me) prevented their identification as 'fine':

if you didn't notice the images that were produced on previous runs were fed as patterns into these new runs, and only tool was the pattern stamp. and following are the designed ones, look at the differences between these two sets (you can only see it if you go to their pages):

so we went on and on for nights, i was sleeping and design games was working, as appropriate. check the following, they are collected from the garbage of the final runs for a high-resolution desktop wallpaper, different high resolution patterns are added to the system, and that's all:

end the evolved ones: (i really worked hard to find something fine amongst the evolved ones, there were faults in some analysis mechanisms and character definitions were apparently awful, but these are fine, i like them:)

OK, enough for now. there are other stuff to come. but they will wait for a bit. i have to have some break, and do other stuff, like blogging.
neyle ilgili?
design automation,
design games,
evolutionary computation
Kayıtlar (Atom)